How it Works

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Our mess-free process is simple.

Step 1

Begin by applying non-toxic, dog-safe paint onto the canvas.

Step 2

Next, secure the painted canvas into the protective plastic bag.

Step 3

Apply the provided peanut butter (or substitution), to the outside of the protective plastic bag.

Step 4

Allow your dog to lick the peanut butter from the outside of the bag to smear the paint into a stunning abstract pattern.

Step 5

Remove the one-of-a-kind masterpiece and set it in a safe location to dry.

Tip: Some areas may be thicker than others, allow 2-3 hours to dry.

Step 6

Share your masterpiece with the Pawcasso community!

Tag #PawcassoArt to be featured on our page

Important Things to Know

  • Even though Pawcasso uses non-toxic and pet friendly products, pets should be supervised at all times throughout the art process.

  • We suggest using a household item that your pet is used to licking, that you know is safe for them.

  • You can throw away the items or recycle them. We suggest using the Pawcasso bag to store used paint tubes while the pet is creating their masterpiece!

  • Pawcasso supports Adopt the Weird One’s Wheels Program, providing medical devices like wheelchairs to disabled pets. You can read more on our website under β€œOur Cause”